Deutsche Telekom - Mobile World Congress

For another year, we had the opportunity of collaborating with Meiré and Meiré to shape Deutsche Telekom's presence in Barcelona. Lively 3D displays of anamorphic cubes and other highlighted exhibits contributed to making the latest technologies easily understandable and engaging for visitors.

API Exposure

This interactive exhibit is inspired by a purely analog game - a wooden labyrinth. In our digital version, users can move the entire table to navigate the labyrinth as quickly as possible and maneuver the ball to the goal. The primary objective is to find and activate the three APIs of Deutsche Telekom within the labyrinth. Each time an API is successfully activated, a short animation is triggered as a reward. The vertical screen behind the game table allows the gameplay to be experienced not only by gamers but also by spectators. The back of the exhibit also provides deeper insight into the themes of API exposure.

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Quote Telekom MWC 2023 01

Network APIs - Enhanced 4G/5G Functionality

3D Network Orchestration for a Resilient Network

The exhibit furniture is vertically oriented to emphasize the areas of space, air, and ground in the context of Deutsche Telekom's seamless connectivity. On one side of the exhibit, users can navigate through an interactive and immersive storyline touchlessly. Visitors can become multidimensional orchestrators themselves and ensure a resilient network in times of extreme natural events. Within a narrative, information on a highly complex topic is conveyed playfully. The other side of the exhibit consists of an information deep dive and an abstracted miniature staging that reveals the various layers of the non-terrestrial network.

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3D Orchestration for a Resilient Network

Sustainable Networks

The exhibit symbolises Deutsche Telekom's ambitious climate goals. They aim to achieve "net zero waste" for their products by 2040, involving the entire value chain. Significant support from suppliers is essential for this goal. The architectural gesture visualizes the transformation of packaging materials that Deutsche Telekom has successfully achieved with its suppliers. Starting from a large mix of materials, product packaging has now been successfully switched to the use of recyclable paper and cardboard materials.

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Anamorphic Cube

In a central position on the exhibition stand, we had the opportunity to create an anamorphic display for Deutsche Telekom. Throughout the duration of the trade fair, the animation with three-dimensional effects was shown. A digital frame in the image ensures that elements appear to emerge from the surface, delighting visitors with vibrant colors and liveliness.